Erasmus+ Alumnae of UMM participated in Education Fair at Brawijaya University

On Monday, November 12, 2018, International Relations Office (IRO) at University of Muhammadiyah Malang was invited to .... so as to held Erasmus+ Education Fair In this current event, IRO was represe

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Cross-Culture through School Visit

This Week school visit event was succesfully held in two different places, there were Ar-Rohmah Islamic boarding School and Islamic high school (MA) Muhammadiyah 11 tlogomas, Malang, East Java. The fi

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Taiwan Education Fair 2018

On Tuesday,  23 October 2018 Taiwan Education Center Surabaya, Indonesia (TECSID) coorporate with International Relations Office of UMM held a event entitled Taiwan Education Fair 2018. This even

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Learning Express Program between UMM - Singapore Polytechnic

Building Prototypes to break the problem with Collecting any ideas from SP student and Buddy with Design Thinking Taking memories with local citizen in Batu, East Java Cultural Trip in Bromo mount, Ea

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Library visit from Mrs. Bougumila from WSB Wroclaw University, Poland.

A series of visits by Mrs bougumila as the head of the library from WSB Wroclaw University. Visiting UMM Library such as visiting Central Library located at Campus III (main departments, digital libra

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Taiwan Education Showcase 2018

Information about study in Taiwan and How to get the visa in there. Some University in Taiwan offering scholarship for UMM Student to pursue that education either english or in mandarin. This program

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Erasmus Photo Exhibition

If you want to watch the whole activities you can click link below :

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China Scholarship Presentation & Cultural Performance

Registration: send a message to 081232860990 Format: Name_Department_Mobile Phone Number

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U.S. Graduate Fair 2016 DOME - University of Muhammadiyah Malang Wednesday, September 14, 2016 if you are looking for an information regarding study in US for Master or PhD, SAVE THE DATE! Register: h

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Seminar of Creative Self

Seminar of Creative Self  Speaker I: Catarina Amaral from Portugal Speaker II: Georgy Panayatov from Bulgaria Guest Speaker : Bapak Slamet H.  

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LPDP Scholarship Presentation

On 19 May 2016, IRO UMM will hold "LPDP "Scholarsip Presentation.

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Seminar of Australian Council for Educational Research

Seminar of Australian Council for Educational Research entitled " Global Citizenship Concepts and Content: An Analysis of Southeast Asian Curricula" 

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Guest Lecture: Competent Language Use: Teaching the four Skills in Socio-Cultural Contextfrom UniSa

Guest Lecture: "Competent Language Use: Teaching the four Skills in Socio-Cultural Context" from UniSa

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Guest Lecture from Kyungdong University Korea

Guest Lecture from University of Kyungdong Korea

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International Students Summit

An event to invite international students who study in Indonesia to be in one forum.   JADWAL KEGIATAN 4th INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS SUMMIT UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MALANG 16-18 NOVEMBER 2015  

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UNESCO Youth Festival 2015

It is a new International event initiated by UMM students.

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Tri City

Tri City is a new program as the result of mutual cooperation between UMM and Singapore Polytechnic Business School.

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Youth Model ASEAN Conference

It is a youth conference held in SIngapore Polytechnic. There are two representatives from partner university who are invited to Join. This year, UMM is represented by two students from Medical Facult

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Learning Express Batch 4

Learning Express is a regular program as the implementation of MoU between UMM and Singapore Polytechnic.

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IRO Booth for Maba

The IRO will open a booth to explain about the possibility of credit transfer for prospective students between UMM and partner universities.

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Welcoming Interns

A program for international people who want to do internship program at UMM.

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Peace Corps

A community service program, a cooperation between UMM and Peace Corps USA.

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A visit from Universitas Kristen Widya Satya Salatiga

A visit from Universitas Kristen Widya Satya Salatiga

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Indonesia Homestay Program

A program for international people who want to live in Indonesian community.

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Interview Lex Buddies

Interview for recruiting buddies for Lex Program. Lex stands for Learning Express, a program run by Singapore Polytechnic in cooperation with University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

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Youth Conference

Konferensi mahasiswa bertempat di Singapura

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AUSTRALIAN UNIVERSITY EXHIBITION 014   Malang, Kamis 23 Oktober 2014 @ Hotel Santika Premiere 12.00 - 18.00     See full size

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China Art Performance

China Art Performance is an international event in collaboration with Guang Xi Normal University (China). In the event, the representative of Guang Xi Normal University will performace some tradi

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Learning Express of Singapore Polytechnic

Kerjasama Pengiriman pelajar dari Singapore Politechnic untuk belajar di UMM

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Learning Express September 2014

Learning Express Program is a social innovation program as collaboration between University of Muhammadiyah Malang and Singapore Polytechnic.

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Erasmus Mundus Annual Meeting in Portugal

Pertemuan rutin tahunan program Erasmus Mundus, Kerjasama UMM dan Uni Eropa

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TOT Learning Express

Sebagai bentuk persiapan program Learning Express kerjasama antara Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang dan Singapore Polytechnic, maka International Relations Office (IRO) UMM akan mengadakan Training of

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Indonesia Homestay Program

Program bagi Warga Negara Asing untuk tinggal dan belajar dengan warga lokal tentang Bahasa dan Budaya selama 2 minggu.

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Sosialisasi Beasiswa Australia 2014

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang bekerja sama dengan Kedutaan Besar Australia untuk mengadakan sosialisai beasiswa dari pemerintah Australia. 

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Presentasi Beasiswa dari UCS - UK

University Campus Suffolk (UCS), UK akan mengadakan presentasi tentang kiat-kiat menempuh kuliah di UK, terutama di UCS.

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Koordinasi antara UMM dan UUM

Koordinasi Program kerjasama antara Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) dan Universitas Utara Malaysia (UUM) dalan bidang Visiting Students, Penelitian dan Seminar Bersama.

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Koordinasi IRO UMM

Rapat koordinasi dan laporan akhir bulan International Relations Office di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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Kunjungan dari UMP

Kunjungan kerja dari Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP) yang bertujuan untuk Studi Banding International Relations Office di International Relations Office, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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Gaming and Library

An American teen services librarian from public library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg Country, Charlotte, North Carolina, Kelly Czarnecki and deliver presentations on gaming activities in the library.

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Closing Ceremony Peace Corps 2013

Closing Ceremony and Swearing-In for Peace Corps Volunteers, 2013

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Asian Conference of Religions for Peace (ACRP)

Asian Conference of Religions for Peace (ACRP) akan menggelar pertemuan tiga hari di kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) mulai Jumat (7/6). Pertemuan ini dihadiri tokoh-tokoh lintas agama se-

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Library Trends

Diskusi tentang tren-tren terbaru dunia keperpustakaan dan informasi tentang eLibraryusa;jurnal elektronik yang tersedia di American Corner UMM yang diperuntukan bagi masyarakat umum dan pengunjung pe

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Research Methodology Writing

Program diskusi yang membahas metode penulisan research (penelitian) yang mencakup teknik penggabuangan informasi dan referensi yang kredibel, penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif, plagiarism, kebutu

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Woman in Politic

Program diskusi yang membahas tentang peran perempuan di dunia politik. Dihadiri sekaligus sebagai pemateri Ibu wakil dutabesar Amerika untuk Indonesia, pakar dan tokoh politik perempuan di kota Malan

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